Who Should Finance Science?

It’s About Much More Than Just Money

Law and Ordnung
16 min read4 days ago


What at first glance appears to be a purely monetary question reveals, upon closer examination, a depth that goes far beyond the simple observation that the state — any state — simply lacks the means to finance research to the extent that we scientists dream of. The inevitable consequence: We, our employers, and institutes find ourselves compelled to turn our gaze towards business and industry in search of financial support.

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Those Who Pay Always Demand Influence

Certainly, we are aware that we are entering a field of tension. We expose ourselves to pressure, enter into dependencies, and risk our research being influenced unilaterally in favor of those who foot the bill. In German-speaking countries, there is an apt saying for this: “He who pays the piper calls the tune.” It’s a question of power. How far this power extends its threads in the scientific enterprise can all too often be recognized in studies bearing the telltale note: “Funded by Company XY.”

I confess, it gives me a certain “pleasure” to scrutinize such publications and dissect them in seminars on scientific work with students. I also frequently discuss this topic with colleagues: How would this or…



Law and Ordnung

Juggling laws, rules and philosophy. Balancing science and consulting. Managing academic career and freelance work.